Issues surrounding the Vaccine: Vaccine Inequality and Misinformation

By Eman Ahmed

For nearly 2 years now, we as a global community have been concerned with one thing: the Covid-19 pandemic. We’ve gone through the mask debate, the stay-at-home orders, and the transition back to work. However, one thing has been placed as the focal point of current conversation: the vaccine. The vaccine has been a vessel…

Art: What it Really Means

By Aaima Azhar

What is art? Is it that painting sitting on your bedroom wall? Or that poem you wrote in tenth grade because your mom pissed you off? Or that Emily Dickinson piece you absolutely hated because it made no sense? Or the family drawing your five year old cousin made that still makes you feel things?…

The Impact of Food Deserts

By Eman Ahmed

While being a familiar place, the supermarket itself is a place that has grown to become one of the places that cause hardships for families. Specifically due to food deserts, swamps and mirages. These areas are riddled throughout Northern America, specifically in Canada.

Environmental Racism in Canada

By Alejandra Padros

Case Studies on ‘Chemical Valley’ (ON) and Fort Chipewyan (AB) Environmental racism is a strategy for colonialism often mobilized by states that simultaneously pursue the growth of their economy and the genocide of particular racialized populations. In this blog I unpack the logistics of extractive industry in Fort Chipewyan (AB) and ‘Chemical Valley’ (ON) to…