International Day of the Girl

By Aaima Azhar

The strength of a girl is the strength of a city, a nation, and society itself. It is in the ebb and flow of life, from birth and growth, to the end where she leaves behind a world more beautiful – a little more open. She may one day hold in her womb, not only…

The Hypocrisy of League of Legends Conglomerate: Riot Games

By Omar Mouhammed

League of Legends is a cultural phenomenon. With 80 million monthly players, “League” has transcended into pop culture. Beyond simply playing the game, there are many that are now able to play League as a career. With the company behind League of Legends: Riot Games, crafting emotional storylines around several of the professional players, it…

Women in Islam

By Aaima Azhar

When you read this title, what comes to mind? Is it something nebulous? One part confusion, one part oppression? Is the image in your head defined by headscarves or angry husbands or a lack of opportunity? How much do you truly know about the status and the voice of a woman in Islam? Allow me…