It’s The Perfect Time To Watch “A League Of Their Own”

By Brynn Niblett

The show follows Carson Shaw and her journey with the Rockford Peaches, a newly-formed team in a women’s league created to boost morale and fill the gap of men’s professional sport as the Second World War was waged overseas. Here are the top ten reasons why now is the perfect time to catch up on A League of Their Own.

Hot Girl Summer: 30+ Feminist Books, Podcasts & TV Series to Check Out!

By Priscilla Ojomu

Whatever your current circumstance is, you can still make this summer your Hot Girl Summer. The summer anthem is all about women empowerment, and there’s never been a more urgent time than this to feel empowered and to empower others.

Using an Intersectional lens, I’ve curated a list of 30+ Feminist Books, Podcasts, & TV Series for you to check out!