This Graphic Novel is Healing my Childhood Self

By Brynn Niblett

As goofy as it sounds, children’s media can be particularly helpful, because it is a complete change of pace from the expectations of adult/academic life. I find that the simplicity of children’s media can be its greatest strength, revealing profound lessons and truths in a simple, comforting package. Lately, my comfort food of choice has been a junior graphic novel by Misty Wilson called Play Like a Girl.

Till Culture Do Us Part (The Effects of Culture on Romance)

By Salamat Ibrahim

The idea of love overcoming all runs rampant in our society, providing us with a hope that at the end of the day, we’ll find our “true love” who will accept us despite our differences. While this may be true for some people, it would be remiss to completely ignore the majority of society to who this idea does not apply to for a multitude of reasons.